Oxfordshire Clubs Dunlop Ball Offer

This incentive scheme allows Oxfordshire clubs to receive FREE Dunlop balls on the basis that they purchase the agreed quantity of balls as listed below. This club ball incentive is only valid for the purchase of Dunlop balls from the Official OLTA Dunlop ball stockists listed below:

Club Option 1
Purchase: 10x BOXES (180 Tins/60doz)
Receive Free: 1x BOX FREE (18 Tins/6doz)

Club Option 2:
Purchase: BUY 5x BOXES (90 Tins/30doz)
Receive Free: GET 1/2 BOX FREE (9 Tins/3doz)


  • Clubs will receive their FREE balls once they have purchased the agreed volume during the period of the agreement between Dunlop and Tennis Oxfordshire/OLTA.
  • The agreement lasts for two years

Year 1:        01.03.21 – 28.02.22

Year 2:        01.03.22 – 28.02.23

  • FREE balls will be supplied by the retailer they purchased the balls from.
  • This promotion is not limited and Clubs may purchase a number of the CLUB OPTIONS shown above to benefit from FREE balls.

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